Jquery getScript caching Jquery getScript caching javascript javascript

Jquery getScript caching

First lets clarify what is means that the jQuery disables the caching.

When jQuery disables the cache is means that is force the file to be load it again by the browser with some kind of trick, eg by adding one extra random number as parameter at the end of the url.

When jQuery have enable the cache, is not force anything and let the cache that you have set on the header of this file. Which means that if you do not have set on the header of the files parameters to keep it on browser cache, the browser will try to load it again by some methods.

So with enable the cache by jQuery you must also have been set the correct cache headers on your static files to be keep on browser cache, or else browser may try to load them again.

For files that browser see the created date on header, then is connect to the server asking the header again, is compare it and if is not have change then is not load it again, but is make one call to the server.

For files that you have set the a max age, and not ask the server till that date, then the browser is direct load it from the cache if he finds it.

To summarize:
The cache:true is let the browser decide for the cache of this file from the header you send.
The cache:false is force the file to be load again.

Some relative to cache questions:
caching JavaScript files
IIS7 Cache-Control

Tthe inside code
The getScript() is calling the jQuery.get() witch is a shorthand Ajax function of

$.ajax({  url: url,  data: data,  success: success,  dataType: dataType});

So by calling the getScript() you make an ajax call, and the jQuery did not keep any kind of cache of your files if this is what you think at the first place.

Custom function to load the sripts
If you do not won to make a global cache:true, and you need only some files to be loaded with cache:true, you can make a custom function as:

function getScriptCcd(url, callback){    jQuery.ajax({            type: "GET",            url: url,            success: callback,            dataType: "script",            cache: true    });};

This is not affected by the global cache parameter and is load the script files with out adding anything non-cache parameters at the end.

There is an error as of the date this question was posted where both Firefox and Chrome would state that a script is not being loaded from Cache when it indeed is. As of the date of this answer this issue still exists. The easiest way to test is to use console.log and send out a version number.

To cache a dynamically loaded script it it simply done by using the following code.

function onDemandScript ( url, callback ) {    callback = (typeof callback != 'undefined') ? callback : {};    $.ajax({         type: "GET",         url: url,         success: callback,         dataType: "script",         cache: true     });    }

For development you should comment out cache: true.

There's a better option actually, you can turn ON caching for certain requests, for example:

$.ajaxPrefilter(function( options ) {  if ( options.type==='GET' && options.dataType ==='script' ) {      options.cache=true;  }});