jQuery Tag Editor? [closed] jQuery Tag Editor? [closed] javascript javascript

jQuery Tag Editor? [closed]

I have been looking at a bunch of options. None of them seemed to fit exactly what I was looking for. Here are are least some of the things I found.

Hope it helps

+--------------------+------+-----+-----+-------+-----+|Toolkit             |Tag-it|Tagit|Xoxco|Tagedit|Widen|+--------------------+------+-----+-----+-------+-----+|Setting tags        |-     |+    |+    |?      |+    ||programmatically    |      |     |     |       |     |+--------------------+------+-----+-----+-------+-----+|Getting tags out as |+     |+    |-    |?      |+    ||an array            |      |     |     |       |     |+--------------------+------+-----+-----+-------+-----+|Editting existing   |-     |-    |-    |+      |+    ||tags                |      |     |     |       |     |+--------------------+------+-----+-----+-------+-----+|Tab / cursor        |-     |-    |-    |-      |-    ||selecting existing  |      |     |     |       |     ||tags                |      |     |     |       |     |+--------------------+------+-----+-----+-------+-----+|Sorting tags        |-     |+    |-    |+      |+    |+--------------------+------+-----+-----+-------+-----+|Placeholder text    |-     |-    |+    |-      |-    |+--------------------+------+-----+-----+-------+-----+|Supporting comma    |-     |+    |-    |+      |+    ||inside tags         |      |     |     |       |     |+--------------------+------+-----+-----+-------+-----+

This library is really nice:


Supports autocomplete too, and it plays well with jQuery UI (using it inside a jQuery UI Dialog at the moment).

The tag editor uses an "Autocomplete" feature - jQueryUI recently added this in version 1.8. It appears to be based on the classic jQuery autocomplete plugin by Jörn Zaefferer (I haven't compared the source, but the API seems pretty similar).