JS regex to split by line JS regex to split by line javascript javascript

JS regex to split by line

arrayOfLines = lineString.match(/[^\r\n]+/g);

As Tim said, it is both the entire match and capture. It appears regex.exec(string) returns on finding the first match regardless of global modifier, wheras string.match(regex) is honouring global.


result = subject.split(/\r?\n/);

Your regex returns line1 twice because line1 is both the entire match and the contents of the first capturing group.

I am assuming following constitute newlines

  1. \r followed by \n
  2. \n followed by \r
  3. \n present alone
  4. \r present alone

Please Use

var re=/\r\n|\n\r|\n|\r/g;arrayofLines=lineString.replace(re,"\n").split("\n");

for an array of all Lines including the empty ones.


Please Use

arrayOfLines = lineString.match(/[^\r\n]+/g); 

For an array of non empty Lines