JS Ternary functions with multiple conditions? JS Ternary functions with multiple conditions? javascript javascript

JS Ternary functions with multiple conditions?

Yes you can go wild nesting ternaries. I find this version to be fairly readable:

var foo = (  bar === 'a' ? 1 : // if   bar === 'b' ? 2 : // else if   bar === 'c' ? 3 : // else if  null // else );

but that's not a widely shared opinion, and you should probably stick to if/else or switch when working on a team.

Yes, you can use multiple condition in Ternary Operator. Hope this will help you.

var x=20;var y = x<13 ? "Child" : x<20 ? "Teenage" : x<30 ? "Twenties" : "Old people";console.log(y);

A switch statement is likely the best choice in a situation like this.

let inputOneAns;switch(inputOne) {  case "Yes":   inputOneAns = "517";   break;  case "No":   inputOneNas = "518";   break;  default:   inputOneNas = "";}

If you could do ternary operations beyond 2 conditions, they would become incredibly messy. You can put conditions together, but I've no idea why you would want that - that would be incredibly messy.