Keyboard shortcut to end process for chrome tab [closed] Keyboard shortcut to end process for chrome tab [closed] javascript javascript

Keyboard shortcut to end process for chrome tab [closed]

A bit of an expansion on the previous answer:

Use System Preferences to link a keyboard shortcut to the "Task Manager" menu command (System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts), since the Shift + Esc shortcut doesn't apply to Macs (at least not as of writing this post).

After that, you can use that keyboard shortcut in Chrome to pull up the Task Manager, where you can choose the unresponsive tab and select End Process.

In Mac OS, the shortcut is not mapped to Chrome's Task Manager by default. Here is the way to get this mapped.

Go to System Preferences > Keyboard. Select Keyboard Shortcuts tab > Application Shortcuts in the list on the left and click the Plus button. Select Google Chrome in the Application drop down, type Task Manager in the Menu Title input, click on the Keyboard Shortcut field and press your shortcut of choice. Use Chrome's Task Manager to kill the desired process.

You can

  1. Press Shift + Esc.
  2. Select the tab or extension.
  3. Click End Process.