List of all characters that should be escaped before put in to RegEx? List of all characters that should be escaped before put in to RegEx? javascript javascript

List of all characters that should be escaped before put in to RegEx?

Take a look at PHP.JS's implementation of PHP's preg_quote function, that should do what you need:

The special regular expression characters are: . \ + * ? [ ^ ] $ ( ) { } = ! < > | : -

According to this site, the list of characters to escape is

[, the backslash \, the caret ^, the dollar sign $, the period or dot ., the vertical bar or pipe symbol |, the question mark ?, the asterisk or star *, the plus sign +, the opening round bracket ( and the closing round bracket ).

In addition to that, you need to escape characters that are interpreted by the Javascript interpreter as end of the string, that is either ' or ".

Based off of Tatu Ulmanen's answer, my solution in C# took this form:

private static List<string> RegexSpecialCharacters = new List<string>{    "\\",    ".",    "+",    "*",    "?",    "[",    "^",    "]",    "$",    "(",    ")",    "{",    "}",    "=",    "!",    "<",    ">",    "|",    ":",    "-"};foreach (var rgxSpecialChar in RegexSpecialCharacters)                rgxPattern = input.Replace(rgxSpecialChar, "\\" + rgxSpecialChar);

Note that I have switched the positions of '\' and '.', failure to process the slashes first will lead to doubling up of the '\'s


Here is a javascript translation

var regexSpecialCharacters = [    "\\", ".", "+", "*", "?",    "[", "^", "]", "$", "(",    ")", "{", "}", "=", "!",    "<", ">", "|", ":", "-"];regexSpecialCharacters.forEach(rgxSpecChar =>     input = input.replace(new RegExp("\\" + rgxSpecChar,"gm"), "\\" + rgxSpecChar))