Logout from LinkedIn API Logout from LinkedIn API javascript javascript

Logout from LinkedIn API

Make sure that you have include

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.linkedin.com/in.js"></script>  

on your home page, i.e. where you are logging out.

Seems your onclick is not being called, try doing:

function closeSession(){   IN.User.logout();   return true;}<a href="logout.php" class="myButton" onclick="return closeSession();" id="logout-link">Logout In LinkedIn</a>


<a href="#" class="myButton" onclick="closeSession()" id="logout-link">    Logout In LinkedIn</a>

And js

function closeSession() {  if ( typeof IN === 'object' && typeof IN.User === 'object' && IN.User.isAuthorized() ) {     //user logged in linkedin    //call linkedin logout with websites logout function as callback     alert("I m inside linkedin object check.."); //do you see this     IN.User.logout(logout);  }  else {     logout();  }}function logout() {  window.location.href = "URL_TO_YOUR_LOGOUT.PHP";}

I think you are redirected before your javascript gets executed, so try this way ?JavaScript Code :

function closeSession(){    IN.User.logout();    location.href="logout.php";}

HTML Code :

<span style="cursor:pointer" onclick="closeSession()">Logout In LinkedIn</span>