Make TouchableOpacity not highlight element when starting to scroll [React Native] Make TouchableOpacity not highlight element when starting to scroll [React Native] javascript javascript

Make TouchableOpacity not highlight element when starting to scroll [React Native]

A scroll gesture should cancel the TouchableOpacity touch responder, but if you think the TouchableOpacity highlight is triggered to early, you can try tweaking the delayPressIn property.

You can use delayPressIn={1000}, which will delay the animation until you press for 1 second.

delayPressIn property of <TouchableOpacity> delay in ms, from the start of the touch, before onPressIn is called.

Example to use :

<FlatList  horizontal  contentContainerStyle={{ paddingRight: 16 }}   // this set the padding to last item  showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false}         // hide the scroller  data={results}  keyExtractor={(result) =>}  renderItem={({ item }) => {    return (      <TouchableOpacity        delayPressIn={1000}         // delay animation for 1 second        onPress={() => navigation.navigate('ResultsShow')}      >        <ResultsDetail result={} />      </TouchableOpacity>    );  }}/>;

You can find more about this Here.