Moment.js get day name from date Moment.js get day name from date javascript javascript

Moment.js get day name from date

With moment you can parse the date string you have:

var dt = moment(, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")

That's for UTC, you'll have to convert the time zone from that point if you so desire.

Then you can get the day of the week:



var mydate = "2017-06-28T00:00:00";var weekDayName =  moment(mydate).format('dddd');console.log(weekDayName);

mydate is the input date. The variable weekDayName get the name of the day.Here the output is



var mydate = "2017-08-30T00:00:00";console.log(moment(mydate).format('dddd'));console.log(moment(mydate).format('ddd'));console.log('Day in number[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]: '+moment(mydate).format('d'));console.log(moment(mydate).format('MMM'));console.log(moment(mydate).format('MMMM'));
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