ng-model no longer updates after typing into text input ng-model no longer updates after typing into text input javascript javascript

ng-model no longer updates after typing into text input

your link requires a login.

if i have to guess about your problem, it may be related to angular scoping issue. try changing your ng-model binding to an object property instead. so in your html, instead of:

<input type="text" id="form_course_name" ng-model="edit_course_name">

do this

<input type="text" id="form_course_name" ng-model="course.edit_course_name">

and in your javascript, on the ajax callback, change it to:

$scope.course = {};  //only do this if $scope.course has not already been declared$scope.course.edit_course_name = thecourse.course_name;

for more info on this issue, see: