Pass Nothing from Javascript to VBScript in IE9 Pass Nothing from Javascript to VBScript in IE9 javascript javascript

Pass Nothing from Javascript to VBScript in IE9

Unfortunately, you are probably stuck here - JavaScript does not have a "Nothing" equivalent. See This Article for more information.

[Edit]However, the following may work. In your VBScript create a function called "GetNothing" that returns "Nothing". In your JavaScript use "var jsNothing = GetNothing()". Comes from this article

This question is fascinating, I thought I'd try and answer it just for the fun of it.

(Congrats to mixel on getting a better job!)

I don't have access to IE right now, so I can't test this, but what if you tried writing a function like this:

<script type="text/vbscript">  Function CallWithNulls(fn, arg1, arg2, arg3)    If (isNull(arg1)) arg1 = Nothing    If (isNull(arg2)) arg2 = Nothing    If (isNull(arg3)) arg3 = Nothing    fn(arg1, arg2, arg3)  End Function  Function IsNothing(arg1, arg2, arg3)     return arg1 is Nothing  End Function</script><script type="text/javascript">  alert(CallWithNulls(IsNothing, null, 1, 2));</script>

Of course I don't know if VB script allows calling functions like that... and you'd have to deal with more/fewer arguments.

Use a value such as zero or even a negative number that would allow for you simply use falsy evaluations, then you don't have to worry about different browsers and their quirks in evaluating the NULL object.