Polymer 1.0 + Webpack Polymer 1.0 + Webpack javascript javascript

Polymer 1.0 + Webpack

Unfortunately, Polymer 1.0 is presently unsupported by polymer-loader due to an API change. It is possible that this may be repaired in the near future, but in the meantime you may have to resort to either a different package or builder. Hopefully a fix becomes available soon.

I make a simple solution with polymer-ext

var PolymerExt = require('polymer-ext')var t = require('raw!./test.tmpl')var s = require('raw!./test.css')PolymerExt({  is: 'card-panel',  template: t,  style: s,  ... // other polymer options})

I just succeeded by means of this loader:


Unobvious thing is that i had to install the webcomponent that i wanted through bower (yarn does the job too). After that, manually reference it inside manually created importer.html file, and then at the end, reference that importer.html file inside your js module:

import 'vulcanize!./importer.html';