ReactJS this.state null ReactJS this.state null javascript javascript

ReactJS this.state null

Using ES6, the initial state must be created in your constructor for the React component class, like this:

constructor(props) {    super(props)    this.state ={    // Set your state here    }}

See this documentation.

This question has already been answered, but I came here by having a problem that can easily happen to anyone.

I was getting a console.log(this.state) to log null in one of my methods, just because I didn't write:

this.handleSelect = this.handleSelect.bind(this);

in my constructor.

So, if you're getting a null for this.state in one of your methods, check if you have bounded it to your component.


Edit (because of @tutiplain's question)

Why was I getting null for this.state?

Because I wrote console.log(this.state) in the method which wasn't bounded to my class (my handleSelect method). That caused this to point to some object higher in the object hierarchy (most probably the window object) which doesn't have a property named state. So, by binding my handleSelect method to this, I assured that whenever I write this in that method, it will point to the object in which the method is in.

I encourage you to read a really good explanation for this here. is null in your example because setState() is async. Instead you can pass a callback to setState like so:

loadNavbarJSON: function() {    $.ajax({      url: "app/js/configs/navbar.json",      dataType: 'json',      success: function(data) {        console.log(data);        this.setState({data: data}, function(){          console.log(;        }.bind(this));      }.bind(this),    });  }