RequireJS: Local fallback for if CDN fails RequireJS: Local fallback for if CDN fails javascript javascript

RequireJS: Local fallback for if CDN fails

What version of RequireJS are you using? It seems you might want to configure jQuery's fallback as a path in your config, then set up jQuery as a dependency on the other modules that need it. If you're using ~> 2.0, something like (untested):

// in your requirejs configrequirejs.config({    //To get timely, correct error triggers in IE, force a define/shim exports     // check.    enforceDefine: true,    paths: {        jquery: [            '', // your cdn            'lib/jquery' // your fallback        ],        jqueryui: ""    },    shim: {      jqueryui: ['jquery']    }});// then in your requiresrequire([jquery, jqueryui, foo, bar], function($) {    // stuff});

They talk about how to do it in the wiki. If you are not using v2.x, there is a method for handling that here too.

If all the modules are configured to specify their own dependencies, you shouldn't need to worry about the order! directives either.

I have found a solution to the problem provided in RequireJS 2.x.x. There was a demand for this solution, so in turn, RequireJS added a paths object to their config. This provides fallback functionality for CDNs, should they fail.

It should also be noted that the order! plugin has been deprecated in Require 2.0, so I also needed to make use of the shim object to define dependencies. It's actually a pretty interesting idea.

Here is my new require.config:

require.config({    urlArgs: "ts="+new Date().getTime(), // disable caching - remove in production    paths: {        jquery: [            "",            "libs/jquery"        ],        jqueryui: [            "",            "libs/jqueryui"        ],        underscore: [            "",            "libs/underscore"        ],        backbone: [            "",            "libs/backbone"        ]    },    shim: {        'jqueryui': ['jquery'],        'underscore': ['jquery'],        'backbone': ['underscore'],        'core/core': ['underscore'],        'core/errors': ['core/core'],        'core/constants': ['core/core']    }});