Running a command in a Grunt Task Running a command in a Grunt Task javascript javascript

Running a command in a Grunt Task

Alternatively you could load in grunt plugins to help this:

grunt-shell example:

shell: {  make_directory: {    command: 'mkdir test'  }}

or grunt-exec example:

exec: {  remove_logs: {    command: 'rm -f *.log'  },  list_files: {    command: 'ls -l **',    stdout: true  },  echo_grunt_version: {    command: function(grunt) { return 'echo ' + grunt.version; },    stdout: true  }}

Check out grunt.util.spawn:

grunt.util.spawn({  cmd: 'rm',  args: ['-rf', '/tmp'],}, function done() {  grunt.log.ok('/tmp deleted');});

I've found a solution so I'd like to share with you.

I'm using grunt under node so, to call terminal commands you need to require 'child_process' module.

For example,

var myTerminal = require("child_process").exec,    commandToBeExecuted = "sh";myTerminal(commandToBeExecuted, function(error, stdout, stderr) {    if (!error) {         //do something    }});