Save and Load jsPlumb flowchart including exact anchors and connections Save and Load jsPlumb flowchart including exact anchors and connections javascript javascript

Save and Load jsPlumb flowchart including exact anchors and connections

See this JSFiddle for a solution.

You need to save the anchor details as follows. This conforms to the Anchor representation defined here. Note the double nesting to avoid the JQuery auto-flatten on the map.

    $.each(jsPlumb.getConnections(), function (idx, connection) {      connections.push({      connectionId:,      pageSourceId: connection.sourceId,      pageTargetId: connection.targetId,      anchors: $.map(connection.endpoints, function(endpoint) {        return [[endpoint.anchor.x,         endpoint.anchor.y,         endpoint.anchor.orientation[0],         endpoint.anchor.orientation[1],        endpoint.anchor.offsets[0],        endpoint.anchor.offsets[1]]];      })    });  });

...and load them, as follows:

    $.each(connections, function( index, elem ) {     var connection1 = jsPlumb.connect({      source: elem.pageSourceId,      target: elem.pageTargetId,      anchors: elem.anchors    });  });

Note that this solution does not preserve end-point details including the shape and type of end-points. It only preserves the anchor details, as you requested.