Setting HTML element width using ng-style and percentage value in AngularJS Setting HTML element width using ng-style and percentage value in AngularJS javascript javascript

Setting HTML element width using ng-style and percentage value in AngularJS

The code within your ng-style attribute is a javascript object, so you could append a percentage symbol on the end of you width value. As you are appending a string to a number it will also convert the value of width to a string.

<div id="progressBackground" ... >    <div id="progressBar"         ng-model="..."         ng-style="{ 'width': completionPercent + '%' }"         ... ></div></div>

Another way to achieve this is


In your code

<div id="progressBackground" ... ><div id="progressBar"     ng-model="..."     [style.width.%]="completionPercent"     ... ></div>

For the benefit of searchers, if you needed to fill the area, but leave a bit of space at the end (for example, to provide textual detail), this could be achieved with something similar to the following code:

<div ng-style="{'width': 'calc('+completionPercent+'% - 250px)'}"> </div>

Obviously, this would only work with CSS3 compliant browsers, but it scales well dynamically.