Split string once in javascript? Split string once in javascript? javascript javascript

Split string once in javascript?

You'd want to use String.indexOf('|') to get the index of the first occurrence of '|'.

var i = s.indexOf('|');var splits = [s.slice(0,i), s.slice(i+1)];

This isn't a pretty approach, but works with decent efficiency:

var string = "1|Ceci n'est pas une pipe: | Oui";var components = string.split('|');alert([components.shift(), components.join('|')]​);​​​​​

Here's a quick demo of it

You can use:

var splits = str.match(/([^|]*)\|(.*)/);splits.shift();

The regex splits the string into two matching groups (parenthesized), the text preceding the first | and the text after. Then, we shift the result to get rid of the whole string match (splits[0]).