Stop setInterval call in JavaScript Stop setInterval call in JavaScript javascript javascript

Stop setInterval call in JavaScript

setInterval() returns an interval ID, which you can pass to clearInterval():

var refreshIntervalId = setInterval(fname, 10000);/* later */clearInterval(refreshIntervalId);

See the docs for setInterval() and clearInterval().

If you set the return value of setInterval to a variable, you can use clearInterval to stop it.

var myTimer = setInterval(...);clearInterval(myTimer);

You can set a new variable and have it incremented by ++ (count up one) every time it runs, then I use a conditional statement to end it:

var intervalId = null;var varCounter = 0;var varName = function(){     if(varCounter <= 10) {          varCounter++;          /* your code goes here */     } else {          clearInterval(intervalId);     }};$(document).ready(function(){     intervalId = setInterval(varName, 10000);});

I hope that it helps and it is right.