SVG Scale without moving location SVG Scale without moving location javascript javascript

SVG Scale without moving location

Updated to work with modern browsers that support transform-box Previously, this approach worked only in Chrome. But spec changes to how transform-origin works, and the addition of transform-box now means that this works in more browsers (currently Chrome, FF, and Opera).

You can actually achieve this effect without JS.

.st3 {    fill: red;    -webkit-transform: scale(1);    -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;    -webkit-transition:.3s;    transform: scale(1);    transform-origin: 50% 50%;    transition:.3s;    transform-box: fill-box;}#Layer_4:hover + g .st3 {    -webkit-transform: scale(2);    -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;    -webkit-transition:.3s;    transform: scale(2);    transform-origin: 50% 50%;    transition:.3s;}

Demo here

if i am not wrong, you want to scale the dots along their center, dots remain their current position and just gets bigger.

if this you want, then following code will help you

var bbox=elementNode.getBBox();var cx=bbox.x+(bbox.width/2),    cy=bbox.y+(bbox.height/2);   // finding center of elementvar scalex=1.5, scaley=1.5;    // your desired scalevar saclestr=scalex+','+scaley;var tx=-cx*(scalex-1);var ty=-cy*(scaley-1);                        var translatestr=tx+','+ty;elementNode.setAttribute('transform','translate('+translatestr+') scale('+saclestr+')');

So what i did, i first translate the dot and than scale it. i use following formula as described in Transforming Coordinate system

translate(-centerX*(factor-1), -centerY*(factor-1))scale(factor)

An easier way to do this that does not involve a bunch of geometry is to put the item to be scaled and translated into a parent group ('g').

Then, you apply the translation to the parent group and the scale to the element itself.

var trasnstr = x + ',' + y;var scalestr = scaleX + ',' + scaleY;parentElement.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + trasnstr + ')');element.setAttribute('transform', 'scale(' + scalestr + ')');