syntastic complaining about ES6 module syntax syntastic complaining about ES6 module syntax javascript javascript

syntastic complaining about ES6 module syntax

Syntastic will use JSHint to check JavaScript syntax if it's available (which I recommend over jslint).

JSHint supports es6 syntax with the esnext flag, which includes support for the export and import module syntax.

I suggest adding a .jshintrc file to your project to control JSHint's behavior (and thus Syntastic's) for your entire project:

{  "esnext": true}

Note: be careful, since using the esnext flag will add support for all of es6's new language sytax that JSHint currently supports, not just the module syntax.

Note: esnext has now been deprecated in favour of the esversion syntax.

{  "esversion": 6}

To work around this, I'd suggest the following steps as recommended here: Configure Vim for React:

Install eslint and babel-eslint:

npm install -g eslint babel-eslint

Create a local .eslintrc config in your project or a global ~/.eslintrc configuration:

{    "parser": "babel-eslint",    "env": {        "browser": true,        "node": true    },    "settings": {        "ecmascript": 6    },    "rules": {        "strict": 0 // you can add more rules if you want    }}

Finally, configure syntastic to use eslint:

let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['eslint']