Thoughts on using Zurb's Foundation+AngularJS? Thoughts on using Zurb's Foundation+AngularJS? javascript javascript

Thoughts on using Zurb's Foundation+AngularJS?

We recently adapted most Angular UI Bootstrap components for use with the Foundation CSS and open sourced the code:

The Angular-UI project provides deep integration of Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS. That does not mean that Foundation Zurb and AngularJS does not work well together.

With Zurb you have higher integration effort than with a ready-baked framework if you stick to standard components. At the time you need additional components you have to do the integration yourself anyway.

This is the same for other Javascript frameworks like Ember, btw.

I've been using AngularJS with Foundation 4 without any problems for a while now - as others have said, you need to do a bit more work yourself but it's not a big deal.

In saying that, I've just upgraded to Foundation 5 and it's broken my Reveal provider for AngularJS (won't close)!