Tiny javascript implementation? [closed] Tiny javascript implementation? [closed] javascript javascript

Tiny javascript implementation? [closed]

Duktape is written in C, with a focus on portability and compact footprint: http://duktape.org/

I just discovered this ruby: https://github.com/gfwilliams/tiny-js

I've been looking quite some time for this, since spidermonkey/v8 usually is pretty big and comes with several dependancies. Tiny-js is a portable 'run make and your done'-linux c-class. Perfectly for if you are only looking for simple bindings and prefer javascript/c-syntax over lua/other awesome scriptinglanguages.

An ANSI-C engine for ECMA-262: http://code.google.com/p/quad-wheel/

Mozilla SpiderMonkey is written in C as well, but probably to complex and large for you?