Trying to get the text written inside a TinyMCE textarea Trying to get the text written inside a TinyMCE textarea javascript javascript

Trying to get the text written inside a TinyMCE textarea

Why don't you simply use tinymce.get('jander').getContent(); (tinymce in lowercases!) ?

You should simply request the value of the original textarea control.

tinyMCE.triggerSave(false, true);$('#jander').val();

Once you've included the TinyMCE jQuery plugin, you assign the editor to a variable and can then operate any jQuery function on it:

var wysiwyg = $('textarea.tinymce').tinymce(tinymce_settings);

Then to get the contents you can just fetch wysiwyg.html();

Also, see the TinyMCE jQuery documentation for other manipulation techniques.