Typescript compiler error when importing json file Typescript compiler error when importing json file javascript javascript

Typescript compiler error when importing json file

Use var instead of import.

var json = require('./calls.json');

You're loading a JSON file, not a module, so import shouldn't be used is this case. When var is used, require() is treated like a normal function again.

If you're using a Node.js definition, everything should just work, otherwise require will need to be defined.

TS 2.9 added support for well typed json imports. Just add:

{  "compilerOptions": {    "resolveJsonModule": true  }}

in your tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json. Now imports such as:

import json = require('../static/calls.json');


import * as json from '../static/calls.json';

should be resolved and have proper typings too!

Another solution is to change data.json to data.ts and export like this

export default {  "key" : {    ...  }}

and import as you would expect:

import { default as data } from './data'