Using async/await inside a React functional component Using async/await inside a React functional component javascript javascript

Using async/await inside a React functional component

You will have to make sure two things

  • useEffect is similar to componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate, so if you use setState here then you need to restrict the code execution at some point when used as componentDidUpdate as shown below:
function Dashboard() {  const [token, setToken] = useState('');  useEffect(() => {    // You need to restrict it at some point    // This is just dummy code and should be replaced by actual    if (!token) {        getToken();    }  }, []);  const getToken = async () => {    const headers = {      Authorization: authProps.idToken // using Cognito authorizer    };    const response = await      "",      API_GATEWAY_POST_PAYLOAD_TEMPLATE,      { headers }    );    const data = await response.json();    setToken(data.access_token);  };  return (    ... rest of the functional component's code  );}

With React Hooks, you can now achieve the same thing as Class component in functional component now.

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';const Dashboard = props => {  const classes = useStyles();  const [token, setToken] = useState(null);  useEffect(() => {     async function getToken() {         const token = await fetchKey(props.auth);         setToken(token);     }     getToken();  }, [])  return (  ... rest of the functional component's code  // Remember to handle the first render when token is null

Also take a look at this: Using Async await in react component

const token = fetchKey(props.auth);

This returns a promise. To get the data from it, this is one way to do it:

let token = null;fetchKey(props.auth).then(result => {  console.log(result)  token = result;}).catch(e => {  console.log(e)})

Let me know if that works.

I recreated a similar example: