Using node.js to serve content from a Backbone.js app to search crawlers for SEO Using node.js to serve content from a Backbone.js app to search crawlers for SEO javascript javascript

Using node.js to serve content from a Backbone.js app to search crawlers for SEO

First of all, let me add a disclaimer that I think this use of node.js is a bad idea. Second disclaimer: I've done similar hacks, but just for the purpose of automated testing, not crawlers.

With that out of the way, let's go. If you intend to run your client-side app on server, you'll need to recreate the browser environment on your server:

  1. Most obviously, you're missing the DOM (Document Object Model) - basically the AST on top of your parsed HTML document. The node.js solution for this is jsdom.

  2. That however will not suffice. Your browser also exposes BOM (Browser Object Model) - access to browser features like, for example, history.pushState. This is where it gets tricky. There are two options: you can try to bend phantomjs or casperjs to run your app and then scrape the HTML off it. It's fragile since you're running a huge full WebKit browser with the UI parts sawed off.

  3. The other option is Zombie - which is lightweight re-implementation of browser features in Javascript. According to the page it supports pushState, but my experience is that the browser emulation is far from complete - however give it a try and see how far you get.

I'm going to leave it to you to decide whether pushing your rendering engine to the server side is a sound decision.

Because Nodejs is built on V8 (Chrome's engine) it will run javascript, like Backbone.js. Creating your models and so forth would be done in exactly the same way.

The Nodejs environment of course lacks a DOM. So this is the part you need to recreate. I believe the most popular module is:

Once you have an accessible DOM api in Nodejs, you simply build its nodes as you would for a typical browser client (maybe using jQuery) and respond to server requests with rendered HTML (via $("myDOM").html() or similar).

I believe you can take a fallback strategy type approach. Consider what would happen with javascript turned off and a link clicked vs js on. Anything you do on your page that can be crawled should have some reasonable fallback procedure when javascript is turned off. Your links should always have the link to the server as the href, and the default action happening should be prevented with javascript.

I wouldn't say this is backbone's responsibility necessarily. I mean the only thing backbone can help you with here is modifying your URL when the page changes and for your models/collections to be both client and server side. The views and routers I believe would be strictly client side.

What you can do though is make your jade pages and partial renderable from the client side or server side with or without content injected. In this way the same page can be rendered in either way. That is if you replace a big chunk of your page and change the url then the html that you are grabbing can be from the same template as if someone directly went to that page.

When your server receives a request it should directly take you to that page rather than go through the main entry point and the load backbone and have it manipulate the page and set it up in a way that the user intends with the url.

I think you should be able to achieve this just by rearranging things in your app a bit. No real rewriting just a good amount of moving things around. You may need to write a controller that will serve you html files with content injected or not injected. This will serve to give your backbone app the html it needs to couple with the data from the models. Like I said those same templates can be used when you directly hit those links through the routers defined in express/node.js