Using querySelector to find nested elements inside a Polymer template returns null Using querySelector to find nested elements inside a Polymer template returns null javascript javascript

Using querySelector to find nested elements inside a Polymer template returns null


doesn't find the paper-tabs element, because it is hidden inside the shadow DOM of the tab-list element.

You can simply give paper-tabs an id, say tabs, and access it like so



There is also the option to access the shadow DOM directly


If you only want to listen for changes on the paper-tabs selection, you can use a change watcher:

<paper-tabs selected="{{currentTab}}">Polymer('tab-list', {  currentTab: 'all',  currentTabChanged: function() {    console.log(this.currentTab);  }});


      <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{dataobject}}">        <div on-tap="_showdetail">          <iron-collapse id="collapse">??</iron-collapse>        </div>      </template>

And to toggle the iron-collapse elements inside the dom-repeat I use

 _showdetail: function(e){    Polymer.dom(e.currentTarget).querySelector('#collapse').toggle();},