vim javascript omnicomplete vim javascript omnicomplete javascript javascript

vim javascript omnicomplete

Use Mozilla's DoctorJS (formerly jsctags), which is also used in Cloud9 IDE's Ace online editor.

See my answers for this question and this question for more info (install, config, etc.).

javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS does not use the ctags file for completion.

What you can do is, you can write your own omni-complete function for jQuery, or even better, expand the javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS function defined in /usr/share/vim/vim72/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim to suit your needs.

Another way to get javascript autocompletion would be to use mozilla's 'jsctags' project. It generates better tags for javascript than 'exuberant ctags'. Hopefully you'll see more when you use supertab & taglist-plus.

For more info: