Wait for image to be loaded before going on Wait for image to be loaded before going on javascript javascript

Wait for image to be loaded before going on

You shouldn't make anything synchronous (not even AJAX) calls but instead simply put your code in the appropriate callback:

function loadSprite(src, callback) {    var sprite = new Image();    sprite.onload = callback;    sprite.src = src;}

Then use it like this:

loadSprite('sprites/sheet1.png', function() {    // code to be executed later});

If you want to pass additional arguments, you can do it like this:

sprite.onload = function() {    callback(whatever, args, you, have);};

If you want to load multiple elements and need to wait for all of them to finish, consider using the jQuery deferred object:

function loadSprite(src) {    var deferred = $.Deferred();    var sprite = new Image();    sprite.onload = function() {        deferred.resolve();    };    sprite.src = src;    return deferred.promise();}

In the function loading the sprites, you do something like this:

var loaders = [];loaders.push(loadSprite('1.png'));loaders.push(loadSprite('2.png'));loaders.push(loadSprite('3.png'));$.when.apply(null, loaders).done(function() {    // callback when everything was loaded});


This question is old, but there is a way to do this without requiring jquery, OR freezing the browser.

In image1.onLoad, make it load image2.
In image2.onLoad, make it load image3.
In image3.onLoad, make it load image4.
In imagen.onLoad make it load your main function.

I'm not sure if this is the entirely BEST way to do it, but it's better than freezing the browser, at least.
You are able to also load all of your audio files or whatever other resources you need, or any other javascript you need to run.

Freezing the browser is not required

I've this problem with canvasi tried your solution but a best and simple way that works is:

function COLPOinitCanvas(imagesfile) {    COLPOcanvas = document.getElementById("COLPOcanvas");    COLPOctx = COLPOcanvas.getContext("2d");    var imageObj = new Image();    imageObj.src = imagesfile;    imageObj.onload = function () {        COLPOctx.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0, COLPOcanvas.width, COLPOcanvas.height);    };}