What is the difference between ImmutableJS Map() and fromJS()? What is the difference between ImmutableJS Map() and fromJS()? javascript javascript

What is the difference between ImmutableJS Map() and fromJS()?

In this example,

var a = {address: {postcode: 5085}}var d = Immutable.Map(a);

Here, d.get('address') is immutable. It's value cannot change to any other objects. We can only create a new Object from the existing object using the Immutable.Map.set() function of ImmutableJS.

But, the object referenced by d.get('address') i.e, {postcode:5085} is a standard JavaScript object. It is mutable. A statement like this can alter the value of postcode:


If you check the value of d again, you can see that he value has been changed.

console.log(JSON.stringify(d));   //Outputs {"address":{"postcode":6000}}

which is against the principles of immutability.

The reason is that ImmutableJS data structures like List and Map imparts the immutability feature to only the level-1 members of the List/Map.

So, if you have objects inside arrays or arrays inside objects and want them too to be immutable, your choice is Immutable.fromJS.

var a = {address: {postcode: 5085}}var b = Immutable.fromJS(a);b.get('address').postcode=6000;console.log(JSON.stringify(b));   //Outputs {"address":{"postcode":5085}}

From the above example you can clearly know how fromJS makes the nested members immutable.

I hope you understood the difference between Map and fromJS. All the best =)

fromJS does a deep conversion. That is, it'll recurse through all the keys and convert all elements to Lists, Maps, etc.

In your second example, address is a plain object, not an ImmutableJS object, so you cannot use setIn to change its value.