What is the motivation for bringing Symbols to ES6? What is the motivation for bringing Symbols to ES6? javascript javascript

What is the motivation for bringing Symbols to ES6?

The original motivation for introducing symbols to Javascript was to enable private properties.

Unfortunately, they ended up being severely downgraded. They are no longer private, since you can find them via reflection, for example, using Object.getOwnPropertySymbols or proxies.

They are now known as unique symbols and their only intended use is to avoid name clashes between properties. For example, ECMAScript itself can now introduce extension hooks via certain methods that you can put on objects (e.g. to define their iteration protocol) without risking them to clash with user names.

Whether that is strong enough a motivation to add symbols to the language is debatable.

Symbols do not guarantee true privacy but can be used to separate public and internal properties of objects. Let's take an example where we can use Symbol for having private properties.

Let's take an example where a property of an object is not private.

var Pet = (function() {  function Pet(type) {    this.type = type;  }  Pet.prototype.getType = function() {    return this.type;  }  return Pet;}());var a = new Pet('dog');console.log(a.getType());//Output: doga.type = null;//Modified outsideconsole.log(a.getType());//Output: null

Above, the Pet class property type is not private. To make it private we have to create a closure. The below example illustrates how we can make type private using a closure.

var Pet = (function() {  function Pet(type) {    this.getType = function(){      return type;    };  }  return Pet;}());var b = new Pet('dog');console.log(b.getType());//dogb.type = null;//Stays privateconsole.log(b.getType());//dog

Disadvantage of above approach: We are introducing an extra closure for each Pet instance created, which can harm performance.

Now we introduce Symbol. This can help us make a property private without using extra unnecessary closures. Code example below:

var Pet = (function() {  var typeSymbol = Symbol('type');  function Pet(type) {    this[typeSymbol] = type;  }  Pet.prototype.getType = function(){    return this[typeSymbol];  }  return Pet;}());var a = new Pet('dog');console.log(a.getType());//Output: doga.type = null;//Stays privateconsole.log(a.getType());//Output: dog

Symbols are a new, special kind of object that can be used as a unique property name in objects. Using symbols instead of a strings allows different modules to create properties that don’t conflict with one another. Symbols can also be made effectively private, so that their properties can’t be accessed by anyone who doesn’t already have direct access to the symbol.

Symbols are a new primitive, just like the number, string, and boolean primitives. Unlike the other primitives, symbols do not have a literal syntax (e.g. how string has '') — the only way to create them is with the Symbol constructor in the following way:

let symbol = Symbol();

In reality, symbols are just a slightly different way to attach properties to an object — you could easily provide the well-known symbols as standard methods, just like Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, which appears in everything that inherits from Object.

Here are some of the benefits of the Symbol primitive type.

Symbols have debuggability built in

Symbols can be given a description, which is really just used for debugging to make life a little easier when logging them to a console.

Symbols can be used as object keys

This is where symbols get really interesting. They are heavily intertwined with objects. Symbols can be assigned as keys to objects, meaning you can assign an unlimited number of unique symbols to an object and be guaranteed that these will never conflict with string keys, or other unique symbols.

Symbols can be used as unique values

Let’s assume you have a logging library, which includes multiple log levels such as logger.levels.DEBUG, logger.levels.INFO, logger.levels.WARN and so on. In ES5 code you’d like make these strings (so logger.levels.DEBUG === 'debug'), or numbers (logger.levels.DEBUG === 10). Both of these aren’t ideal as those values aren’t unique values, but symbols are! So logger.levels simply becomes:

log.levels = {  DEBUG: Symbol('debug'),  INFO: Symbol('info'),  WARN: Symbol('warn'),};log(log.levels.DEBUG, 'debug message');log(log.levels.INFO, 'info message');

Read more in this great article.