Which ORM for node.js? [closed] Which ORM for node.js? [closed] javascript javascript

Which ORM for node.js? [closed]

Bookshelf should currently support all of those:

  1. The mapping of columns to property names with theformat andparse methods.
  2. Using a different table name with thetableName attribute.
  3. Timestamping can take custom columns with thehasTimestampattribute.
  4. Foreign keys can be defined withknex schema builder... they're not well documented but you cansee an example in the tests here
  5. Supports mysql, sqlite and postgres
  6. Definitely supports one model per file... the relations are defined in methods, so you can do:

    var Classroom = Bookshelf.Model.extend({  tableName: 'classrooms',  student: function() {    // Relating to a model from a file in the same directory.    return this.hasMany(require('./student'));  }});new Classroom({id: 1})  .fetch({withRelated: ['students'])  .then(function(classroom) {     console.log(JSON.stringify(classroom));  });

Official soft delete support is in the works, but is definitely easily achieved by extending the model and providing a new destroy method like so:

destroy: function(options) {   if (options.softDelete) {     return this.save({'deleted_at': new Date});   }   return bookshelf.Model.prototype.destroy.call(this, arguments);}

It doesn't hook into a cache yet, because cache invalidation on relations is pretty tricky, definitely something under consideration.

If you see anything that seems to be missing, feel free to open a ticket.

You may take a look at light-orm: https://github.com/knyga/light-ormSimple ORM. Don't create foreign keys. Can't map properties to column names. But could be connected to any rdbms, and super simple.