Why does Prettier not format code in VS Code? Why does Prettier not format code in VS Code? javascript javascript

Why does Prettier not format code in VS Code?

How I've sorted it after having super huge frustrations with Prettier stopping working in VSCode.

  1. Select VS Code -> View -> Command Palette, and type: Format Document With
  2. Then Configure Default Formatter... and then choose Prettier - Code formatter.

This sorted the problem for me magically.

Depending on your case this might help you...

If doing what @Simin Maleki mentioned does not solve it for you, there is a chance that your default formatter is not set:

File > Preferences > Settings > Search for "default formatter" 

Make sure your Editor: Default Formatter field is not null but rather esbenp.prettier-vscode and that all the languages below are ticked. This fixed my issue.


Steps to enable default formatter

Also make sure that your format on save is enabled:

Format on save check

Prettier could also format your files on save.

However, installing and enabling does not result in working.

You have to check "format on Save" in VSCode: Setting >> User >> Text Editor >> Formatting

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