Why does web worker performance sharply decline after 30 seconds? Why does web worker performance sharply decline after 30 seconds? javascript javascript

Why does web worker performance sharply decline after 30 seconds?

Tyler Ault suggested one possibility on Google+ that turned out to be very helpful.

He speculated that using FileReaderSync in the worker thread (instead of the plain ol' async FileReader) was not providing an opportunity for garbage collection to happen.

Changing the worker thread to use FileReader asynchronously (which intuitively seems like a performance step backwards) accelerated the process back up to just 37 seconds, right where I would expect it to be.

I haven't heard back from Tyler yet and I'm not entirely sure I understand why garbage collection would be the culprit, but something about FileReaderSync was drastically slowing down the code.

What hardware are you running on? You may be running into cache thrashing problems with your CPU. For example if the CPU cache is 1MB per core (just an example) and you start trying to work with data continually replacing the cache (cache misses) then you will suffer slow downs - this is quite common with MT systems. This is common in IO transfers too. Also these systems tend to have some OS overheads for the thread contexts as well. So if lots of threads are being spawned you may be spending more time managing the contexts than the thread is 'doing work'. I haven't yet looked at your code, so I could be way off - but my guess is on the memory issue just due to what your application is doing. :)

Oh. How to fix. Try making the blocks of execution small single chunks that match the hardware. Minimize the amount of threads in use at once - try to keep them 2-3x the amount of cores you have in the hardware (this really depends what sort of hw you have). Hope that helps.