Why is there no synchronous WebSocket support in Web Workers when there is synchronous FileSystem support? Why is there no synchronous WebSocket support in Web Workers when there is synchronous FileSystem support? javascript javascript

Why is there no synchronous WebSocket support in Web Workers when there is synchronous FileSystem support?

The reason why there's not a sleep() function available to WebWorkers is simple: you don't need it. sleep is a synchronous function, (it blocks until it returns) which doesn't make sense in the asynchronous context of WebWorkers.

If you send a message to a WebWorker, it doesn't block waiting for a response; the response is sent as a message to your message handler function. If you want to wait a certain amount of time before sending a response, you wouldn't use sleep, you'd use setTimeout and fire a message off when your function gets called.

Similarly, if you're using WebWorkers for WebSocket data transmission, you'd receive a message from the main thread, send a packet via websocket asynchronously, then in the response handler you'd send a message back to the main thread. There's no logical place to use a synchronous sleep function.

As far as why there's not a synchronous mode for WebSockets like there is for the filesystem, the primary difference is that the filesystem isn't accessed across the network.Generally, asynchronous APIs are preferable for network-based functions, so I guess I don't see it as much of a contradiction.

IDB is only supported by 3 browsers, none of which have implemented the synchronous API, so I don't see that as a shining example of synchronous APIs. Inf fact, I think that's the contradiction that people would define an API and not bother to implement it.

It is not obvious at all : TCP protocol is a network protocol too, right ? And it is quite often used in synchronous mode, because it makes applications simpler to develop and debug.

In my opinion Async mode is obvious in the context of mono threaded applications, when you don't want I/Os to block a UI. It is very less obivous if you intend to use web workers, for instance, to handle background I/Os. It would indeed be convenient to have synchronous Websocket in conjonction with web workers.

Finally, it is just not carful to assume that a file read call will be done and quickly. You should always have a timeout or accept the fact that your app is going to hang if IO doesn't respond.

For me it is quite obvious.

FileSystem API & IndexedDB API works in order of milliseconds so you can trust have your data right now, instead it, WebSockets API must be at least 100 times slower, the data must fly over the wild internet, so it's obvious to make it asynchronous. Your response can even never back.

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