Why move your Javascript files to a different main domain that you also own? Why move your Javascript files to a different main domain that you also own? javascript javascript

Why move your Javascript files to a different main domain that you also own?

Your follow-up question is essentially: Assuming a popular website is using a CDN, why would they use their own TLD like imwx.com instead of a subdomain (static.weather.com) or the CDN's domain?

Well, the reason for using a domain they control versus the CDN's domain is that they retain control -- they could potentially even change CDNs entirely and only have to change a DNS record, versus having to update links in 1000s of pages/applications.

So, why use nonsense domain names? Well, a big thing with helper files like .js and .css is that you want them to be cached downstream by proxies and people's browsers as much as possible. If a person hits gmail.com and all the .js is loaded out of their browser cache, the site appears much snappier to them, and it also saves bandwidth on the server end (everybody wins). The problem is that once you send HTTP headers for really aggressive caching (i.e. cache me for a week or a year or forever), these files aren't ever reliably loaded from the server any more and you can't make changes/fixes to them because things will break in people's browsers.

So, what companies have to do is stage these changes and actually change the URLs of all of these files to force people's browsers to reload them. Cycling through domains like "a.imwx.com", "b.imwx.com" etc. is how this gets done.

By using a nonsense domain name, the Javascript developers and their Javascript sysadmin/CDN liaison counterparts can have their own domain name/DNS that they're pushing these changes through, that they're accountable/autonomous for.

Then, if any sort of cookie-blocking or script-blocking starts happening on the TLD, they just change from one nonsense TLD to kyxmlek.com or whatever. They don't have to worry about accidentally doing something evil that has countermeasure side effects on all of *.google.com.

Limit cookie traffic?

After a cookie is set on a specific domain, every request to that domain will have the cookie sent back to the server. Every request!

That can add up quickly.

Lots of reasons:

CDN - a different dns name makes it easier to shift static assets to a content distribution network

Parallelism - images, stylesheets, and static javascript are using two other connections which are not going to block other requests, like ajax callbacks or dynamic images

Cookie traffic - exactly correct - especially with sites that have a habit of storing far more than a simple session id in cookies

Load shaping - even without a CDN there are still good reasons to host the static assets on fewer web servers optimized to respond extremely quickly to a huge number of file url requests, while the rest of the site is hosted on a larger number of servers responding to more processor intensive dynamic requests

update - two reasons you don't use the CDN's dns name. The client dns name acts as a key to the proper "hive" of assets the CDN is caching. Also since your CDN is a commodity service you can change the provider by altering the dns record - so you can avoid any page changes, reconfiguration, or redeployment on your site.