WKWebview - Complex communication between Javascript & native code WKWebview - Complex communication between Javascript & native code javascript javascript

WKWebview - Complex communication between Javascript & native code

Unfortunately I couldn't find a native solution.

But the following workaround solved my problem

Use javascript promises & you can call the resolve function from your iOS code.


This is how you can use promise


   this.id = 1;    this.handlers = {};    window.onMessageReceive = (handle, error, data) => {      if (error){        this.handlers[handle].resolve(data);      }else{        this.handlers[handle].reject(data);      }      delete this.handlers[handle];    };  }  sendMessage(data) {    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {      const handle = 'm'+ this.id++;      this.handlers[handle] = { resolve, reject};      window.webkit.messageHandlers.<yourHandler>.postMessage({data: data, id: handle});    });  }

in iOS

Call the window.onMessageReceive function with appropriate handler id

There is a way to get a return value back to JS from the native code using WkWebView. It is a little hack but works fine for me without problems, and our production app uses a lot of JS/Native communication.

In the WKUiDelegate assigned to the WKWebView, override the RunJavaScriptTextInputPanel. This uses the way that the delegate handles the JS prompt function to accomplish this:

    public override void RunJavaScriptTextInputPanel (WebKit.WKWebView webView, string prompt, string defaultText, WebKit.WKFrameInfo frame, Action<string> completionHandler)    {        // this is used to pass synchronous messages to the ui (instead of the script handler). This is because the script         // handler cannot return a value...        if (prompt.StartsWith ("type=", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {            string result = ToUiSynch (prompt);            completionHandler.Invoke ((result == null) ? "" : result);        } else {            // actually run an input panel            base.RunJavaScriptTextInputPanel (webView, prompt, defaultText, frame, completionHandler);            //MobApp.DisplayAlert ("EXCEPTION", "Input panel not implemented.");        }    }

In my case, I am passing data type=xyz,name=xyz,data=xyz to pass the args in. My ToUiSynch() code handles the request and always returns a string, which goes back to the JS as a simple return value.

In the JS, I am simply calling the prompt() function with my formatted args string and getting a return value:

return prompt ("type=" + type + ";name=" + name + ";data=" + (typeof data === "object" ? JSON.stringify ( data ) : data ));

This answer uses the idea from Nathan Brown's answer above.

As far as I know, currently there is no way to return data back to javascript synchronous way. Hopefully apple will provide the solution in future release.

So hack is to intercept the prompt calls from js.Apple provided this functionality in order to show native popup design when js calls the alert, prompt etc.Now since prompt is the feature, where you show the data to user (we will exploit this as method param ) and the response from user to this prompt will be returned back to js (we'll exploit this as return data)

Only string can be returned. This happens in synchronous way.

We can implement the above idea as follows:

At the javascript end: call the swift method in the following way:

    function callNativeApp(){    console.log("callNativeApp called");    try {        //webkit.messageHandlers.callAppMethodOne.postMessage("Hello from JavaScript");        var type = "SJbridge";        var name = "functionOne";        var data = {name:"abc", role : "dev"}        var payload = {type: type, functionName: name, data: data};        var res = prompt(JSON.stringify (payload));        //{"type":"SJbridge","functionName":"functionOne","data":{"name":"abc","role":"dev"}}        //res is the response from swift method.    } catch(err) {        console.log('The native context does not exist yet');    }}

At the swift/xcode end do as follows:

  1. Implement the protocol WKUIDelegate and then assign the implementation to WKWebviews uiDelegate property like this:

    self.webView.uiDelegate = self
  2. Now write this func webView to override (?) / intercept the request for prompt from javascript.

    func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt prompt: String, defaultText: String?, initiatedByFrame frame: WKFrameInfo, completionHandler: @escaping (String?) -> Void) {if let dataFromString = prompt.data(using: .utf8, allowLossyConversion: false) {    let payload = JSON(data: dataFromString)    let type = payload["type"].string!    if (type == "SJbridge") {        let result  = callSwiftMethod(prompt: payload)        completionHandler(result)    } else {        AppConstants.log("jsi_", "unhandled prompt")        completionHandler(defaultText)    }}else {    AppConstants.log("jsi_", "unhandled prompt")    completionHandler(defaultText)}}

If you don't call the completionHandler() then js execution will not proceed. Now parse the json and call appropriate swift method.

    func callSwiftMethod(prompt : JSON) -> String{    let functionName = prompt["functionName"].string!    let param = prompt["data"]    var returnValue = "returnvalue"    AppConstants.log("jsi_", "functionName: \(functionName) param: \(param)")    switch functionName {    case "functionOne":        returnValue = handleFunctionOne(param: param)    case "functionTwo":        returnValue = handleFunctionTwo(param: param)    default:        returnValue = "returnvalue";    }    return returnValue}