Access Stage name during the build in Jenkins pipeline Access Stage name during the build in Jenkins pipeline jenkins jenkins

Access Stage name during the build in Jenkins pipeline

You can now do this in a built-in manner, since Jenkins 2.3. Like so:

steps {    updateGitlabCommitStatus name: STAGE_NAME, state: 'running'    echo '${STAGE_NAME}'}

For more information see:

This should work from a pipeline shared library:

#!/usr/bin/env groovyimport hudson.model.Action;import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.graph.FlowNodeimport org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.nodes.StepStartNodeimport org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.actions.LabelActiondef getStage(currentBuild){    def build = currentBuild.getRawBuild()    def execution = build.getExecution()    def executionHeads = execution.getCurrentHeads()    def stepStartNode = getStepStartNode(executionHeads)    if(stepStartNode){        return stepStartNode.getDisplayName()    }}def getStepStartNode(List<FlowNode> flowNodes){    def currentFlowNode = null    def labelAction = null    for (FlowNode flowNode: flowNodes){        currentFlowNode = flowNode        labelAction = false        if (flowNode instanceof StepStartNode){            labelAction = hasLabelAction(flowNode)        }        if (labelAction){            return flowNode        }    }    if (currentFlowNode == null) {        return null    }    return getStepStartNode(currentFlowNode.getParents())}def hasLabelAction(FlowNode flowNode){    def actions = flowNode.getActions()    for (Action action: actions){        if (action instanceof LabelAction) {            return true        }    }    return false}def call() {    return getStage(currentBuild)}

Example usage:

node {    stage('Stage One'){        echo getCurrentStage()    }    stage('Stage Two'){        echo getCurrentStage()    }}

Aleks' workaround works fine, just thought it's worth sharing the code

node ("docker") {    def sendOk = {        String stage -> slackSend color: 'good', message: stage + " completed, project - ${env.JOB_NAME}:1.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"    }    def sendProblem = {        String stage, error -> slackSend color: 'danger', message: stage + " did not succeed, project - ${env.JOB_NAME}:1.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}, error: ${error}, Find details here: ${env.BUILD_URL}"    }    def exec = {        work, stageName ->             stage (stageName) {                try {          ;                    sendOk(stageName)                }                catch(error) {                    sendProblem(stageName, error)                    throw error                }            }    }    exec({        git credentialsId: 'github-root', url: ''        dir ('src') {            git credentialsId: 'github-root', url: ''        }        sh "chmod +x *.sh"    }, "pull")    exec({ sh "./ \"1.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\"" }, "clean")    exec({ sh "./ \"1.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\"" }, "unit")    exec({ sh "./ \"1.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\"" }, "build")    exec({ sh "./ \"1.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\"" }, "dockerize")    exec({ sh "./ \"1.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\"" }, "push")    exec({ sh "./ \"1.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\"" }, "swarm")}