Authentication error with SVN in Jenkins Authentication error with SVN in Jenkins jenkins jenkins

Authentication error with SVN in Jenkins

Really late in the game here, but I just had the same problem. If you run SVN manually on a Jenkins machine, it will create an svn authentication file for your svn server (authentication caching). The existence of that file breaks Jenkins svn.

On my server (windows), the file is located in:


I believe on linux, it would be in ~/.subversion

I renamed the directory svn.simple to svn.simple1 and things instantly started working (and broke again when I changed it back).

To prevent this when running the svn bin on the Jenkins server, you can

  • update your %APPDATA%\Subversion\config file by uncommenting "store-passwords = no"
  • or use this flag: --no-auth-cache

Delete your ${user.home}/.subversion.

You can run the command with this option:
