Auto-generated build folder too long on jenkins slave Auto-generated build folder too long on jenkins slave jenkins jenkins

Auto-generated build folder too long on jenkins slave

So far, our solution has been a rather hacky one:

We simply mapped the long base folder to a network drive (specifically:

subst x: .x:

and then continued on from there.

Our solution was to set the workspace path manually in the Jenkinsfile, created from the sanitized form of the branch name:

    if (branchName) {    // if this build has the branch name set    path = path.split(pathSeparator)    // take the current path    def currentWs = path[-1] // -1 as index denotes the first item from the end (the last one)    def workspaceRoot = path[0..<-1].join(pathSeparator)    // joins all path elements from 0 to (not including) the last, effectively stripping the last path part with hte crazy-long alphanumeric ID    // Here is where we make branch names safe for directories by replacing all special characters except '_' with '_'    // Of concern are the list of non-permitted characters for windows (/\:*?"<>|) and - for linux, but it's easier to replace all non-word characters    def newWorkspace = env.BRANCH_NAME.replaceAll("\\W", '_')    if (newWorkspace.length() > 61) {        newWorkspace = newWorkspace.substring(0,61)    // trim the overall length to 60 characters - even though git doesn't have a limit, OSes do have.    }    if (currentWs =~ '@') {    // Add on the '@n' suffix if it was there        newWorkspace = "${newWorkspace}@${currentWs.split('@')[-1]}"    }    path = "${workspaceRoot}${pathSeparator}${newWorkspace}"}ws(path) {    // Do the build-related stuff here in the newly composed, safe and short workspace directory