Building Boost dynamically linkable gives linking error? Building Boost dynamically linkable gives linking error? jenkins jenkins

Building Boost dynamically linkable gives linking error?

Actually I have found the solution:

The way I am using bjam is correct and enough to build boost dynamically. In that stage, I should not define anything. After compilation I change user.hpp and #define BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK.This way my own projects (which are using boost) will understand boost is dynamic. That is the way how boost should be built.

That seems the best way because boost automatically decode necessary libs and dlls as expected and works well.

I see that there are lot of manual steps involved in achieving a successful boost build. Just in case you don't want to go through these manual steps and avoid overheads try BlueGo, provided that you want to use MSVC toolset. BlueGo allows to configure 32/64 bit, Debug/Release modes among other things.

I've met this issue once again. Previous time I was using boost 1.54. Now - boost 1.71.I think that the real reason is that boost::thread dependencies list lacks boost::date_time. What worked for me for both version, was adding the following lines to the bottom of the requirements rule in libs/thread/build/Jamfile.v2:

if <target-os>windows in $(properties){    result += <define>BOOST_THREAD_USES_DATE_TIME ;    result += <library>/boost/date_time//boost_date_time ;  }

I've created an issue on Github, let's see.