Clean way of launching a shell script in background from Jenkins Clean way of launching a shell script in background from Jenkins jenkins jenkins

Clean way of launching a shell script in background from Jenkins

A convenient way to achieve that is to change the environment variable BUILD_ID under Execute shell which Jenkins's ProcessTreeKiller is looking for.

By doing,

BUILD_ID=dontKillMe nohup bash &

Jenkins will assume that the background job is not spawned by the build and will not kill them after finishing the job.

Thanks to Joshua for his observation that you could also use JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE as


I was having the exact same problem.I ended up fixing this by placing the following in the Jenkins execute shell box:

BUILD_ID=dontKillMe ./

I moved the & inside the script file. Here's what the script looks like:

#!/bin/bashjava -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar -role hub &

Hopefully this helps someone!

Interesting solutions. Has anyone tried screen?

Here's how I run it (for RTL simulation using ModelSim-ASE):

screen -S $testname -d -m -L bash -c 'cd build_sim ; make; make sim'echo Waiting for simulator ...

I then wait for our simulator to get to a waiting state by watching the screenlog.0

until ((`fgrep -c 'Ready for simulation' screenlog.0`)) ;do    sleep 1done

Then, when the other jobs that need the simulation are done running (or Jenkins detects a failure), in the post, run:

screen -S $testname -X kill

The only caveat is that if Jenkins somehow dies before the job cleans up, in theory you could have a simulator chewing up resources while waiting for something to happen.

To break it down a little: With screen, '-S' assigns a title to the session (or addresses a running session with that title), '-d' runs detached, '-m' spawn a fork first (which hides from Jenkins watchful eyes), and -L turns on logging (which is also handy in case something in the simulator breaks - you now have a log file artifact with the output). The rest is simply bash inside of the screen session.