Condition in Jenkins pipeline on the triggers directive Condition in Jenkins pipeline on the triggers directive jenkins jenkins

Condition in Jenkins pipeline on the triggers directive

You can't use flow control in a pipeline outside of when and script, but you can call functions for things like trigger parameters:

pipeline {    agent any    triggers{ cron( getCronParams() ) }    ...}def getCronParams() {    if( someCondition ) {        return 'H */4 * * 1-5'    }    else {        return 'H/30 */2 * * *'    } }

Another way is to generate your pipeline script dynamically using evaluate():

evaluate """pipeline {    agent any            ${getTriggers()}        ...}"""String getTriggers() {    if( someCondition ) {        return "triggers{ cron('H */4 * * 1-5') }"    }    else {        return "triggers{ pollSCM('H */4 * * 1-5') }"    } }