Continuous integration with SQL Source Control, SQL Automation Pack and Jenkins Continuous integration with SQL Source Control, SQL Automation Pack and Jenkins jenkins jenkins

Continuous integration with SQL Source Control, SQL Automation Pack and Jenkins

Steps are the same.The first step in Jenkins job is creating NuGet package:

sqlCI.exe Build /scriptsFolder=<value1> /packageId=<value2> /packageVersion= <value3>  /temporaryDatabaseServer=<value4> /temporaryDatabaseUserName=** /temporaryDatabasePassword="*****" /outputFolder=<value5> /additionalCompareArgs="<options>"

The second step is updating necessary DB according to the latest virsion in the repository using an existing NuGet package:

sqlci.exe Sync /databaseName=<value1> /databaseServer=<value2> /databaseUserName=***** /databasePassword="*****" /package=<value3> /additionalCompareArgs="<options>"

For borth steps it's better to set up such option as /include:Identical in order to avoid build mistakes, if there're no changes.

Also we should remember that:

  1. for foreign key should be determined the default value;
  2. if the table is renamed, all data will be lost;
  3. if static data are committed, data will be overwritten on stage;
  4. for using linked servers DTC should be configured (or you can use dynamic queries)