Customize Jenkins pipeline stage view Customize Jenkins pipeline stage view jenkins jenkins

Customize Jenkins pipeline stage view

I was searching for this as well and found the following after reading Hatim's answer:

The line that was supposed to show the node label is commented out:source

The referenced issue JENKINS-33290 is Resolved with the last comment:

Resolved by removing the functionality, since a correct implementation imposes unacceptable complexity and overhead.

So I'm afraid it's not coming back soon and all those screenshots online are outdated.

Is the name or label of the node used.

Please refer to this

node: Allocate nodeAllocates an executor on a node (typically a slave) and runs further code in the context of a workspace on that slave.labelComputer name, label name, or any other label expression like linux && 64bit to restrict where this step builds. May be left blank, in which case any available executor is taken.

In this case, the stage is executed in the master, if you configure your jenkins pipeline to be executed in differents plateforms (master-slaves), then you will be able to see the label of your slaves environement.