Deal with Jenkins password encryption when stored in a SCM Deal with Jenkins password encryption when stored in a SCM jenkins jenkins

Deal with Jenkins password encryption when stored in a SCM

Got it! Here is the result of my research.

My initial JENKINS_HOME/.gitignore file was as follows:

# Miscellaneous Jenkins litter*.log*.tmp*.old*.json# Generated Jenkins state/.owner/queue.xml/fingerprints//shelvedProjects//updates//logs/# Credentials/secrets/secret.key# Job statebuilds/workspace/modules/lastStablelastSuccessfulnextBuildNumber

But, taken from, Jenkins uses a JENKINS_HOME/secrets/master.key to encrypt all passwords, whether in the global settings or in SCM crendentials.This made me think that the same master.key file was used to decrypt passwords.

So I've tried to remove all credential-related entries from the .gitignore file, thus allowing to push them in my Git repo and then pull them on the machine B (another brand new Jenkins master) and... it works well! All passwords are stored encrypted and since all masters share the same master.key file, all passwords can be decrypted.

Hope it can help someone else!