Dynamically defining parallel steps in declarative jenkins pipeline Dynamically defining parallel steps in declarative jenkins pipeline jenkins jenkins

Dynamically defining parallel steps in declarative jenkins pipeline

If you want to use dynamic parallel block with declarative pipeline script, you have to apply two changes to your Jenkinsfile:

  1. You have to define running_set as a Map like ["task 1": { somefunc()}, "task 2": { somefunc2() }] - keys from this map are used as parallel stages names
  2. You have to pass running_set to parallel method inside script {} block

Here is what updated Jenkinsfile could look like:

def somefunc() {    echo 'echo1'}def somefunc2() {    echo 'echo2'}running_set = [    "task1": {        somefunc()    },    "task2": {        somefunc2()    }]pipeline {    agent none    stages{        stage('Run') {            steps {                script {                    parallel(running_set)                }            }        }    }}

And here is what it looks like in Blue Ocean UI:

enter image description here

It is not obvious. But Szymon's way can be very straightforward.

pipeline {    agent none    stages{        stage('Run') {            steps {                script {                    parallel([                        'parallelTask1_Name': {                            any code you like                        },                        'parallelTask2_Name': {                            any other code you like                        },                        ... etc                    ])                }            }        }    }}