Error Slack Send Pipeline step configured values from global config Error Slack Send Pipeline step configured values from global config jenkins jenkins

Error Slack Send Pipeline step configured values from global config

Did you add the slack Jenkins token for integration?Go to this Jenkins CI url, search for your team domain, then add a new configuration. Copy the name of the token or the token itself. Then go to your Jenkins pipeline script and add to slackSend, the domain and the token credential ID or the token in plain text (not secured). Should look something like this:

slackSend channel: '#ci', color: 'good', message: "Destroy Applied ${env.JOB_NAME} - ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", teamDomain: '', tokenCredentialId: 'your_id'

or if you want to use the token in plain text token:'your_token' instead of the tokenCredentialId

Hope this helps!