Exception when building project with Jenkins Xcode plugin Exception when building project with Jenkins Xcode plugin jenkins jenkins

Exception when building project with Jenkins Xcode plugin

I created the following plist and saved it on my Desktop

Plist information

Then i ran the following 3 commands

xcodebuild clean -workspace Unity-iPhone.xcworkspace -scheme Unity-iPhonexcodebuild archive -workspace Unity-iPhone.xcworkspace -scheme Unity-iPhone archivePath Unity-iPhone.xcarchive xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath Unity-iPhone.xcarchive -exportPath BuildOut  -exportOptionsPlist ~/Desktop/iOSExportOptionsDebug.plist

Same with Xcode 10.3 MacOS 10.14.6 Xcode plugin 2.0.12 but works fine with Xcode 11

UPD: The downgrading Xcode plugin to 2.0.8 was helpful for me